Urban and Regional Laboratory


We offer our expertise within a diverse range of broadly defined issues related to urban and regional development:

- Urban and regional planning

- Population projections

- Territorial impact assessments

- Policy scenarios

- Monitoring of social risks

- Situation analyses

- Thematic cartography

Know-how & Technologies

Urban studies, Urban and Settlement Geography, Regional Development

Our mission is to apply geographic knowledge to explore environment around us and improve quality of life.

- Development of settlement system, urbanisation and suburbanisation

- Socio-spatial diff erentiation, micro-geography

- Unemployment, criminality, social deprivation

- Migration and spatial mobility

- Thematic cartography

- Housing and quality of life

"We are looking for cooperation with academic partners as well as public and private organizations in the fields of urban studies and regional development."

Content of Research

Main Capabilities

- Complex geographical thinking, ability to incorporate a range of various factors – social, economic, environmental and especially spatial

- Work with software for map, graphic and statistic data handling

Key Research Equipment

- GIS and other software for spatial data and analysis

- Extensive collection of socio-spatial data

Partners and Collaborations

Academic Partners

Czech Academy of Science | Czech Technical University in Prague | Masaryk University in Brno | Cities After Transition (CAT) network | Tartu University | Dartmouth College | Komenský University in Bratislava | University of Strathclyde

Private and Public Sector

CENIA | CE-Traffic | DOX | Ministry of Environment | Energetické Třebíčsko | Envinet | GAC | Institute for Planning and Development in Prague | Ministry of Regional Development | Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs | Municipality of Dolní Břežany | Museum of Decorative Arts in Prague | Pavel Hnilička Architects | Prague 1 City Part government | Regional Office of Central Bohemian Region | Regional Office of Karlovy Vary Region | Skanska | SPF group | The city of Kladno | The city of Opava | U-24


- Delimitation of Prague Metropolitan Area

- Preparation of historical administrative borders 1921–2011 in GIS

- Methodology of delimitation of suburban places within the Czech Republic

- Population prognosis of Prague Metropolitan Region

- Internet projects www.atlasobyvatelstva.cz and www.suburbanizace.cz

- Atlas of Socio-Spatial Differentiation of the Czech Republic

Main Projects

- Dynamics of social environment and spatial mobility in metropolitan regions of the Czech Republic, 2014–2016. Czech Science Foundation

- Scenarios of future development of Dukovany region: using an approach of Territorial Impact Assessment, 2013–2015. Technology Agency of the Czech Republic

- Disclosure of historic spatial and statistical data in GIS environment, 2012–2015. Ministry of Culture of the Czech Republic

- Delimitation of Prague Metropolitan Area: Strategy for Integrated Territorial Investment. 2014, Institute for Planning and Development, the Capital City of Prague

- Analysis of socially excluded localities in the Czech Republic, 2014–2015. GAC and Ministry of Social Affairs of the Czech Republic

- Prognosis of demographic development and its consequences for the quality of life in dynamically changing municipalities within hinterlands of the Czech cities: application to regional development and administration, 2012–2013. Technology Agency of the Czech Republic

- Social deprivation in urban environment: objective and subjective dimensions, 2010–2013. Czech Science Foundation

- Suburban development, Suburbanisation and Urban Sprawl in the Czech Republic: Tackling the Negative Impacts on the Environment, 2007–2011. Ministry of Environment of the Czech Republic

- Transformation of social and physical environment in the inner city of Prague after 1990, 2008–2010. Czech Science Foundation

- Urbanization processes in Prague urban region, 2004–2006. Czech Science Foundation

- Socio-Spatial Differentiation of Population and its Impact on Quality of Life in Cities and Communities in the Czech Republic, 2006–2011. Ministry of Education

Are you interested in this expertise?

Please contact CPPT UK

Web: www.cppt.cuni.cz/

Mail: transfer@cuni.cz

Phone: +420 224 491 255

Experts and their Department

Assoc. Prof. RNDr. Martin Ouředníček, Ph.D.

Department of Social Geography and Regional Development

Website: http://urrlab.cz/en

Poslední změna: 11. říjen 2019 18:41 
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Centrum pro přenos poznatků a technologií, Univerzita Karlova

Web: www.cppt.cuni.cz/


Tel.: +420 224 491 255

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