Laboratory of Reproductive Medicine


- In vitro oocyte maturation (IVM), in vitro fertilization (IVF) and embryo culture (IVC)

- Flow cytometry and sorting of sperm (FACSAria, FACSVerse, BD Bioscience)

- Intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI)

- Immunocytochemistry of oocytes and embryo

- Epi-fluorescent and confocal laser-scanning microscopy, live cell imaging (Olympus, IX83, Tokai Hit)

- Western Blotting (Biorad)


Laboratory of Reproductive medicine is focused on:

- spermatogenesis,

- oocyte maturation,

- mechanisms of fertilization,

- pre-implanted embryonic development in vitro.

In addition to in vitro experiments, mouse model offers in vivo testing of selected environmental polutants.


- Jan Nevoral, Ph.D., M.Sc.

- M.V.D. Olga García Álvarez, Ph.D.

- Miriam Štiavnická, M.Sc.

- Hedvika Řimnáčová, M.Sc.

- Tereza Fenclová, M.Sc.

- Václav Rúčka, M.Sc.

- Prof. Milena Králíčková, M.D., Ph.D.

Selected Publications

- del Barco-Trillo J, García-Álvarez O, Soler AJ, Tourmente M et al.: A cost for high levels of sperm competition in rodents: increased sperm DNA fragmentation. Proceedings B. 2016. DOI:10.1089/rspb.2015.2708

- García-Álvarez O, Maroto-Morales A, Jiménez-Rabadán P, Ramón M et al.: Effect of different media additives on capacitation of frozen-thawed ram spermatozoa as a potential replacement for estrous sheep serum. Theriogenology 2015, 84: 948–955. DOI:10.1016/j.theriogenology.2015.05.032

- García-Álvarez O, Maroto-Morales A, Ramón M, del Olmo E et al.: Dynamic of sperm subpopulations based on motility and membrane status in thawed ram spermatozoa incubated under conditions that support in vitro capacitation and fertilization. Reproduction, Fertility and Development 2014, 26: 725–732. DOI:10.1071/RD13034

- Nevoral J, Petr j, Gelaude A, Bodart JF et al.: Dual Effects of Hydrogen Sulfide Donor on Meiosis and Cumulus Expansion of Porcine Cumulus-Oocyte Complexes. PLOS ONE 07/2014; 9 (7): e99613. DOI:10.1371/journal.pone.0099613

- Nevoral J, Sutovsky P: Involvement of epigenetic changes and ubiquitin-dependent proteolysis in the pronuclear development of mammalian zygote. In: Heide Schatten (ed.): Animal Models and Human Reproduction. New York: John Wiley & Sons, 2016. In Press

- Nevoral J, Zalmanova T, Bodart JF, Petr J et al.: Endogenously produced hydrogen sulfide is involved in porcine oocyte maturation in vitro. Nitric Oxide: Biology and Chemistry 12/2015, 51 (12). DOI: 10.1016/j.niox.2015.09.007

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Experts and their Department

Jan Nevoral, Ph.D., M.Sc.

Biomedical Center


Poslední změna: 11. říjen 2019 18:41 
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