Mathematical Modeling in Geophysics

# Mathematical modelling

# Geophysics

# Seismic, seismic hazard

# Wave-propagation modelling methods

# Earthquake

# Structural engineering

"We are experts in modeling of wide range of geophysical phenomena, including earthquake source physics, thermal evolution and deformation of the earth and planets on various scales."


- Mathematical modeling in a wide range of geophysical applications

- Generation of physics-based seismic input for structural engineering

- Consulting in seismic hazard assessment

- Forward and inverse modeling of electromagnetic fields

- Estimation of accuracy of various wave-propagation modeling methods


- Applications of continuum mechanics and electrodynamics on geophysical problems (earthquake physics, seismic exploration, thermal evolution of planets, modeling of their electromagnetic and gravitational fields, two-phase flow in rocks and ice)

- Propagation of elastic and electromagnetic waves in 3-D heterogeneous isotropic and anisotropic media

- Processing and interpretation of geophysical (including satellite) data

- Rotational seismology (development of instruments, measurements and interpretations)

- Optimization problems including uncertainty estimation using statistical inference

- Development of efficient (parallel) codes

Research Areas & Excellence

We conduct high-quality research and train students in modeling of wide range of geophysical phenomena, including earthquake source physics, seismic wave propagation, thermal evolution and deformation of the Earth and planets on various scales, gravitational and electromagnetic fields.

Our team is experienced in interpreting the data measured at the Earth surface and from satellites using physical models based on continuum mechanics and electrodynamics by means of numerically solving the related partial differential equations and


Our excellence is also in developing own codes for most efficient performance including parallel supercomputing. We develop advanced seismic instruments. We deliver worldwide recognized results based on active collaboration with important academic

and industry partners.

Research to Pics

- Measurement, processing and interpretation of earthquake data (locations, moment tensor and slip inversions) with emphasis on larger events in the Mediterranean

- Earthquake broadband ground motion modeling

- Numerical modeling of seismic wave propagation in complex structures using full-wavefield and asymptotic methods

- Ocean modeling and electromagnetic signatures of ocean flows

- Processing and interpretation of satellite geomagnetic and gravity data

- Investigation of electrical conductivity of the Earth at all scales

- Development of multicomponent seismic sensors (

Main Recent Projects

- Consortium research project Seismic waves in complex 3-D structures (

- Magnetic Signatures of Barotropic and Baroclinic Ocean Flows in Swarm Data, PI Jakub Velímský, ESA funded project within the STSE programme, ( SwarmOceans)

- Swarm Data, Innovations, and Science Cluster, ESA funded consortium of leading European laboratories, headed by DTU Space

Partners & Collaborations

Academic Partners

- University of Patras, Greece

- Czech Academy of Sciences (Geophysical Institute, Institute of Rock Structure and Mechanics), Czech Republic

- California Institute of Technology, USA

- US Geological Survey, USA

- Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia, Italy

- Dublin Institute for Advanced Studies (DIAS), Ireland

- Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Zurich (ETHZ), Switzerland

- DTU Space, Denmark

- Laboratory of Planetology and Geodynamics Nantes (LPG), France

Industry Partners

- State Office for Nuclear Safety

- BP America Production Company


- Schlumberger Gould Research Center

- European Space Agency

- RS Dynamics

Are you interested in this expertise?

Please contact CPPT UK



Phone: +420 224 491 255

Experts and their department

Assoc. Prof. RNDr. František Gallovič, Ph.D.

Department of Geophysics


Klíčová slova

# Matematické modelování

# Geofyzika

# Seismika, seismické riziko

# Modelování vlnového proudění

# Zemětřesení

# Strukturní inženýrství

Poslední změna: 24. listopad 2019 21:54 
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Centrum pro přenos poznatků a technologií, Univerzita Karlova



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