Department of Software Engineering

# Semantic web

# Similarity search, Big data analytics

# Database systems, multimedia retrieval

„Our primary objective is an investigation of techniques for data retrieval, visualization, modeling and processing in domains related to multimedia, open data, big data, bioinformatics.“


- Development of database technology for accessing and integrating complex unstructured and incomplete data

- Efficient processing of graph data (XML, RDF, linked data, network traffic)

- Semantic web services

- Similarity search in multimedia databases

- Structural bioinformatic similarity retrieval

- Similarity modeling

- Recommender systems

- Video retrieval

- Database indexing

- Application of Linked-data principle

- XML and Web technologies and their exploitation

- Schema evolution

- Change management and adaptability of applications


- Database methods for large-scale similarity search

- Development of image descriptors

- Content-based multimedia retrieval

- Development of algorithms and computational tools for biological data analysis

- Methods for data integration and extraction

- Recommender systems

- Database technology for content-based management and retrieval of unstructured data (text, multimedia, biological) and structured data (XML, RDF, relational) and their integration

Partnerships and Collaborations

Academic Partners

- University of Konstanz

- Universidad de Chile, Chile

- RWTH Aachen University, Germany

- University of Leipzig

- University of Milano Biccocca

Industry Partner

- Cisco Systems

- Profinit EU


- Collaboration with non-profit initiative, which promotes the principles of Linked Data among governmental organizations

Main Recent Projects

- TAČR TH03010276, The system for advanced analytics of large connected data based on simmilarity modeling, 2018–2020

- GAČR 17-22224S, User Preference Analytics in Multimedia Exploration Models, 2017–2019

- GAČR 15-08916S, Efficient subgraph discovery for petabyte-scale web analysis, 2015–2017

- GAČR 15-00885S, Novel methods for computational prediction and visualization of secondary structures of ribosomal ribonucleic acids – an integrated solution, 2015–2017

- NoSQL-Net – Managing Linked Data in NoSQL Stores under Schema Evolution

- Highly Scalable Parallel and Distributed Methods of Data Processing in e-Scienc

- Inteligent library – INTLIB

- ETRAIN – Platform for train control and information systems based on Ethernet Communication Non-Metric Similarity Searching in Very Large Complex Databases

- Handling XML Data in Heterogeneous and Dynamic Environments

Are you interested in this expertisa?

Please contact CPPT UK



Tel.: +420 224 491 255

Experts and their Department

doc. RNDr. Tomáš Skopal, Ph.D.

Department of Software Engineering


Klíčová slova

# Sémantický web

# Analýza velkých dat, podobnostní vyhledávání

# Databázové systémy, multimediální vyhledávání

Poslední změna: 11. říjen 2019 18:41 
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Centrum pro přenos poznatků a technologií, Univerzita Karlova



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