Continental Tectonics Group

„We seek cooperation with academia or industry on interesting tectonic and structural geology problems.“


We offer long-term experience and knowledge across a wide range of Earth Science disciplines with potential applications in:

- Geological and structural mapping in a wide range of geologic settings (volcanic areas, plutonic and metamorphic complexes, sedimentary basins)

- Fabric and strain analysis of geological bodies in 3D

- Rock magnetism, magnetic anisotropy measurement, analysis and modeling

- Tectonic analysis

- Analysis and interpretation of brittle fractures and paleostress evolution

- Advanced geological data processing, interpretation, and modeling

- Geological consulting

Know-how & Technologies

Tectonics, Structural Geology, Magmatic Processes and Volcanology, Rock Magnetism

Our goal is research excellence and a better understanding of how the Earth works, with a particular emphasis on orogenic processes and crustal magmatism. We study:

- Tectonic development of active continental margins and collisional orogens

- Interactions of plate motions, crustal melting, magmatism, and tectonic deformation

- Tectonics of sedimentary basins

- Magnetic properties and fabric analysis of geomaterials

Content of Research

- Magma transport and emplacement in the Earth´s crust

- Evolution and dynamics of collisional and accretionary orogens and magmatic arcs

- Paleotectonic reconstructions

- Applications of the anisotropy of magnetic susceptibility (AMS) method in Geosciences

Main Capabilities

- Field geology

- Geological mapping

- Tectonics and structural geology

- Optical methods


- Iimage analysis

- Computer-based geological data processing


Key Research Equipment

- Laboratory of Rock Magnetism: high-end facility for measuring the magnetic susceptibility of oriented specimens, statistical data processing and interpretation (multi-function Kappabridge MFK-1A with 3D rotator, CS4 Furnace Apparatus, and CS-LLow-temperature Cryostat Apparatus)

- Optical microscopy: Nikon Eclipse 100LVPol microscope mounted with a high-resolution Canon camera and supported by the NIS-Elements D 3.2 software for image processing and analysis

- Field work and expeditions: complete sampling equipment including hand-held drills for taking oriented cores, expedition gear for field work in wilderness and remote areas

Partners and Collaborations

Czech Geological Survey | Institute of Geology, Czech Academy of Sciences | Czech Technical University in Prague | National Museum Prague | University of Salzburg, Austria | Goethe University, Frankfurt am Main, Germany | University of Houston-Downtown, USA | University of Southern California, USA | University of California, Northridge, USA | New Mexico Highlands University, USA


Vigorous publication activity in highly ranked international journals, regular contributions to international conferences, organizing international meetings, work-shops, and field trips, a variety of educational activities in geology.

Main Projects

- Sedimentary record and mechanics of collapse of orogenic belts (2016–2018, Czech Science Foundation)

- Post-collisional plutonism in the south-western Bohemian Massif (2015–2017, Austrian Science Fund)

- Dynamics of Precambrian accretionary wedges and mélanges (2014–2016, Czech Science Foundation)

- Calderas as indicators of thermal-mechanical evolution of subvolcanic magma chambers (2012–2014, Czech Science Foundation)

- The origin of compositional and textural zoning in shallow-level granitoid plutons: a quantitative approach (2011–2013, Czech Science Foundation)

- Relationship between faults and plutons: implications for interactions between tectonic and magmatic processes in magmatic arcs and orogenic belts (2007–2009, Czech Science Foundation)

Are you interested in this expertise?

Please contact CPPT UK



Phone: +420 224 491 255

Experts and their Department

Prof. RNDr. Jiří Žák, Ph.D.

Institute of Geology and Paleontology


Poslední změna: 17. listopad 2019 10:27 
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Centrum pro přenos poznatků a technologií, Univerzita Karlova



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