Geographic Migration ****************************************************************************************** * ****************************************************************************************** "We are looking for cooperation with academic partners, state institutions, as well as non organizations in the fields of international and internal migration and migrant integratio ****************************************************************************************** * Offer ****************************************************************************************** We can offer our expertise in analysing migration and integration processes at different g levels, in policy-making and in training. - Provide expert counselling to state and local authorities on migration/integration polic territorial levels - Help solve problems in the field of the integration of foreigners - Forecast population processes - Inform governance aimed at preventing households from the impact of climate extremes - Inform governance helping the adaptation of house-holds to climate change - Education, training and writing of manuals and working materials on topics dealing with migration and the integration of foreigners ****************************************************************************************** * Know-how & Technologies ****************************************************************************************** *========================================================================================= * Migration and Integration of Migrants *========================================================================================= - International migration - Integration of migrants into the Czech majority society with an emphasis on post-Soviet migrants - Studies and analyses of the development of Czech migration policy - Internal migration of the population of Czechia, international migration of Czech citize forms of population mobility - Remittances and development - Environmental migration - Migrants’ health - Irregular migration and irregular economic activities of migrants "Our mission is to apply our multidisciplinary skills to studying, explaining and educatin international and internal migration processes in Czechia and elsewhere, with the aim of e quality of the public and political debate on migratory issues in Czechia. And to apply the theoretical and conceptual knowledge to “practice”, to assist governmenta dealing with migratory or integration issues.“ ****************************************************************************************** * Content of Research ****************************************************************************************** For over a decade, GEOMIGRACE has been focusing on the research of international migration integration of migrants in Central/Eastern Europe with a special regard to Czechia and pos Vietnamese migrants. Recently, questions of migration and development, the internal mobili Czechia, environmental migration, migrants’ health status and access to healthcare, and th migration of Czechs have become important parts of our research focus. Besides monitoring, members of the centre analyse the causes, mechanisms and impacts of in migration and the integration of immigrants. Moreover, they also study the development of migration policy. The research is based on a multidisciplinary approach with an emphasis on the geographic a international migration and adaptation, and it is mainly conducted using a combination of quantitative methods. *========================================================================================= * Main Capabilities *========================================================================================= Analysis, consulting and/or assistance in dealing with the following issues - Migration, integration and development policy - Environmental risk - Adaptive strategies - Local integration of foreigners - Training of civil servants and workers in the governmental and non-governmental sector i - Teaching and workshops in these areas for students and pupils on all school levels ****************************************************************************************** * Key Research Equipment ****************************************************************************************** Modern technology for working with large data sources and their thorough analysis (SPSS, G for producing the outputs (plotters for large-size printing, scanners) ****************************************************************************************** * Partnerships & Collaborations ****************************************************************************************** *========================================================================================= * Academic Partners *========================================================================================= Dartmouth College | Hong Kong Baptist University | Warsaw University | Research Institute and Social Aff airs in Prague and Brno | Institute of Sociology of the Czech Academy of Sc International and European Forum on Migration Research *========================================================================================= * Private and Public Sector *========================================================================================= International Organization for Migration (IOM), Prague | Ministry of the Interior of the C Department of Asylum and Migration Policy | Ministry of Labour and Social Aff airs of the People in Need, Czech Republic *========================================================================================= * Main Projects *========================================================================================= - Czech Science Foundation project: “Moldovans in Prague (Czechia) and Torino (Italy) – mi integration patterns, financial and social remittances under scrutiny”, (2016–2018) - Visegrad Fund Project: “Ukraine’s Migration Monitoring: Forced and Labour Mobility” (201 - Visegrad Fund Project: “Forecasting Migration Between the EU, V4 and Eastern Europe: Imp Abolition” (coordinated by the Centre for Eastern European Studies, Warsaw) (2013–2014) - Czech Science Foundation Project: “Migratory relations of foreigners (and majority) in t Republic: concentration or difussion processes?”, (2012–2014) - Czech Science Foundation Project: “Migration and development – economic and social impac on the Czech Republic and Ukraine (with a focus on the analysis of remittances)” (2010–201 - IDEA Project: “Mediterranean and Eastern European Countries as New Immigration Destinati EU” (6th European Community Framework Programme) (coordinated by the University of Warsaw, 2009) - PROMINSTAT Project: “Promoting Comparative Quantitative Research in the Field of Migrati Integration in Europe” (6th European Community Framework Programme) (coordinated by the In Centre for Migration Policy Development, Vienna) (2007–2009) ****************************************************************************************** * Achievements ****************************************************************************************** Membership in the European IMISCOE network (International Migration, Integration and Socia [ URL ""] ) ****************************************************************************************** * Are you interested in this expertisa? ****************************************************************************************** Please contact CPPT UK Web: [ URL ""] Mail: Tel.: +420 224 491 255 ****************************************************************************************** * Experts and their department ****************************************************************************************** Prof. RNDr. Dušan Drbohlav, CSc. Department of Social Geography and Regional Development Web: [ URL ""]